Thursday, November 2, 2017

No Trump Campaign Collusion with Russia?

Well, if you're part of the 32% of Americans who will support Trump virtually no matter what he says or does, you are still probably denying or minimizing the mounting evidence (that is, facts) that connect his presidential campaign to Russia.

However, if you are more emotionally balanced, allowing some element of reason and FACTS to influence your judgement, then perhaps the following FACT-BASED video clip may have some positive imact (positive in the sense that you are more likely to agree that to remove Trump safely far away from the powers of the presidency is a giant step toward making America great and respected once again).

Also, I don't if you heard that our PT-Barnum-in-chief tweeted out last night that the New York terrorist, who mowed down with a vehicle some innocents, should be executed. Now you and I might agree with that sentiment in private, but it is totally inappropriate for the POTUS to be making these public pronouncements. Instead he should be encouraging following the Constitution and our rule of law. In addition, with his dim-witted Twitter outburst, he has opened the door for the alleged perpetrator's lawyer to argue that the defendant can't get a fair trial!

Anyway, check this out:

Anybody but Trump!

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