Saturday, November 11, 2017

Trump: Putin Says He Didn't Do It. So it Must be True?

If one questions convicted common criminals, many will claim innocence, being wrongly convicted.

If one questions unconvicted, alleged criminals, many will claim innocence, being wrongly accused.

So it was no great shock when I was reading the news this morning (from trustworthy news sources, not Facebook, not Brietbart), and saw that Trump revealed several informal meetings with Putin during this Asian trip.

In these meetings, Trump said he repeatedly questioned Putin about interference in the 2016 U.S. election process. He says Putin repeatedly denied Russian interference, and Trump says Putin appears to be telling the truth.

I'm shocked! Shocked to see gambling in this establishment! (This is a reference to the movie, Casablanca, in which the official played by Claude Reins feigns ignorance of the back room in Rick's Cafe, and then a clerk of the cafe gives Reins his gambling winnings.)

Of course, we know that Trump is a bald-faced liar, who has repeatedly gotten away with telling whoppers -- even when they have been publicly shown to be falsehoods. He also must, therefore, know that a majority of his supporters, though continuing to shrink in number, will swallow whatever he feeds them.

We also know that the U.S. government has stated unequivocally that they have incontrovertible evidence of Russia's meddling in the 2016 presidential election. So it should surprise no one that both Putin and Trump are lying.

We can safely assume that Trump doesn't believe Putin either, though he desperately wants the American public to believe. This is obviously due to his pathological need to assert his popularity and mandate to invoke his agenda.

Also, I suspect, it's because so many members of his administration have suspicious ties to foreign governments that are basically adversaries to the United States. This certainly includes Trump himself, who was at one time desperate to curry favor with Putin to further Trump's business interests. Trump may now remain desperate to curry Putin's favor because of incriminating and embarrassing evidence that Russia may have regarding Trump's personal and business behavior while in Russia, and much of that behavior has been documented and corroborated in the Steele dossier.

Dump.... oh, you know.

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