Friday, February 2, 2018

You Can Fool All of the People Some of the Time....

"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time." - Abraham Lincoln

There's a reason why old Honest Abe is considered one of our greatest presidents. And the above quote may not be the main reason, but he did get it right anyway. Take the case of our current national embarrassment, Trump.

If you believe the consistent results of national polls (and I do), there is 35-38% of the American voting population that supports Trump and thinks he's doing a good job. Well, so much for a wholly-informed and clear-thinking public. Clearly this thirty-something percent of the population fits into Lincoln's some-of-the-people-all-of-the-time group. These people are likely either stupid, woefully ignorant, or both. Certainly they are thinking with their glands rather than organs that function rationally based on real facts and data.

The latest embarrassment involves Trump and his Republican sycophants who are launching an ad hominem attack on the FBI and other federal law-enforcement organizations and officials. Clearly Trump et al are expecting more indictments and the possibility of impeachable offenses coming to light as a result of the on-going investigations.  Rather than waiting for the outcome and defending themselves on the merits of FACTS, they are trying to impugn the investigators with these slanderous public pronouncements, releases, and posturing.

Why is this so difficult for over a third of the American voters to see?

I have to admit that the situation is seemingly so intractable and therefore discouraging that I have lost the stomach to write much about it. It seems as though many get the truth, but also so many are determined to live in fantasy land. Those in fantasy land seem determined to keep themselves in the dark, swallowing whole Trump's insistence that our hard-working and truth-seeking media journalists and reporters are somehow conspiring to lie to the public, while at the same time suggesting that propaganda outlets such as Fox News, Breitbart News, and social-media gossip fueled by Russian ads, bots, and Russian-state-sponsored "news" is somehow the bastion of truth.


Read widely from reputable sources -- not social media, not Fox News, not Brietbart News. Vote wisely. 

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